NeU is a Brain Science company with more than 20 years of legacy.
“NeU” provides practical ‘NEURO’ solutions with ‘NEW’ state-of-the-art brain science technology. Established in August 2017, NeU Corporation is the direct result of fusing the “cognitive brain science discoveries” of Tohoku University’s Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), together with the “portable brain measurement technology” of Hitachi’s High Technology Division.

NeU’s History: We find innovative ways to “know” people better.
1995 At Hitachi’s Central Research Laboratories, we began researching with optical topography technology using near infrared light for brain applications.
2007 Technical trial production of wearable optical topography was announced.
2009 The Brain Science Business Unit was established at Hitachi’s New Business Development Headquarters. During which, we began selling simple 2CH NIRS (HOT-121) units and also launched the Wearable Optical Topography (WOT-220). At the Science and Technology Promotion Organization’s (JST) Equipment Development Project, NIRS for simultaneous multi-player measurement was also adopted by industry-academia collaboration between Tohoku University and Hitachi, giving rise to the brain science consultation business.
April 2014 The Brain Science Business was transferred over to Hitachi’s High-Technologies division.
February 2015 We started selling simple 2H NIRS’s (HOT-1000) with interlocking smartphone interface connectivity.
August 2017 NeU Corporation was established through investments from Tohoku University, Hitachi High-Technologies and 2 other companies.
Based on knowledge and technology of brain science developed and refined over more than 20 years, NeU has developed innovative solutions that focus on finding better ways to apply our expertise to societies and industries across the globe.
By “knowing” people better, we can contribute to improving the quality of life, ultimately building a society that is actively engaged with the world around them, and this is why NeU believes in the importance of understanding the state of one’s brain, from maintaining and extending healthy life expectancy to maintaining mental health and overall cognitive function in today’s global aging society.

NeU’s Solutions: Tomorrow’s total innovation, TODAY.
With the rise of globalization and diversification needs in today’s competitive markets, it is necessary to be able to differentiate the effectiveness of a company’s products and services by “knowing” people through visualization of ones’ brain activities. In response, NeU has created several solutions focused on “the people” through major industry collaborations across the world, including industries such as aerospace, automotive and power-sports, computer, education, finance, food and supplements, healthcare, hospitality, human resource management, manufacturing, mass media, medical, sports and leisure, telecommunications, transportation, and many more industries through the four main areas of solutions that we offer:
Brain Fitness
We measure brain activities with a compact and lightweight headset to provide custom brain-training programs. NeU’s next generation of “Brain Fitness” programs will measure the blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of the brain to give real-time feedback on the brain’s activity, revealing the effectiveness and efficiency of different brain training programs ‘on-the-spot’. In addition, our expertise in gathering real-time visualization of brain activity data can give unbiased feedback and quickly validate the effectiveness of any “Brain Fitness” programs on cognitive functions.
Workforce Efficiency
To improve a business or organization’s workforce efficiency and performance, NeU provides in-depth analysis and support by offering strategic work reform programs based on solid brain science data. Visualizing a business or organization from the “Brain Science” perspective is an important factor to determine an entity’s health and longevity, especially in today’s competitive global markets. NeU can determine the mental health of employees and collaborate with management to strategically increase business performance through collected data and analysis. We can help to reveal if employees’ stress levels are rising, including detecting various stress factors in a work environment that can compromise a business or organization’s efficiency and success.
Neuro Marketing
To “know” people is an essential and vital marketing tool for developing products and services that appeal to a global audience. In addition to the field of marketing research, NeU can make effective and efficient use of Brain Science data collected from a product’s planning and design stage, manufacturing, to the marketing process. We support all aspects of a product’s marketing needs by responding to the ever-changing needs of of globalization and diversification by “knowing” people in the intended target markets. Instead of performing subjective assessments (such as questionnaires and interviews), NeU’s expertise can offer optimum experiment designs, measurements, analysis and reporting through objective evaluations performed by “listening directly to the brain”. Unlike conventional evaluations known to-this-day, quantifying the intuitive reaction of the brain for an objective evaluation is finally now possible.
Brain Activity Measurement
NeU provides multi-channel wearable optical topography (NIRS) devices that measures detailed changes in cerebral blood flow rates. Developed over the course of more than 20 years, NeU’s compact, multi-channel wearable optical topography (NIRS) measures brain activity changes in a more user-friendly, everyday environment. To suit the demands and needs of companies and research institutes around the world, we offer a wide range of Brain Measurement Solution Hardware from simple to several channels. Our lineup at the moment includes:
HOT-2000 (a portable brain activity measurement device that can be used in everyday scenarios to simultaneously measure cerebral blood flow change, pulse and head acceleration all in real-time)
XB-01 (the world’s SMALLEST and LIGHTEST brain activity measuring device in its class)
WOT-HS (a high-end model for higher sensitivity and higher accuracy measurements)
WOT-220, 100 (a standard model for everyday environments with enhanced capabilities for simultaneous multi-person measurements)
HOT-1000 (a compact, portable and light-weight model for easy brain activity monitoring that is applicable to all environments)
WOT-S20 (our hardware measures and displays blood volume change correlated with saliva secretion in real-time)
SP-POST01 (a flexible set-up that can easily modify stimulation patterns and presentations to collect visual, auditory and touch perception data, all at once)
WOT-VC1 (in conjunction with our wearable optical topography technology, we can record brain activity and experimental environment data simultaneously, which is ideal for brain activity and behavior monitoring)
*Please note: these devices are not meant for medical use.