Be careful how much alcohol you drink!

This is a season to enjoy and immerse yourself in the long autumn nights with hobbies such as reading, music and painting. In addition, many people enjoy drinking sake accompanied by the delicious taste of autumn foods.
When you enjoy doing what you like, your prefrontal cortex works actively. However, music and paintings, it is not healthy to drink alcohol every day just because you like it. This is because drinking alcohol causes brain atrophy and is known to be a factor of dementia.
A study by Professor Yasuyuki TAKI of Tohoku University’s Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), which investigated the relationship between MRI images of the brain and lifestyle, revealed that brain atrophy is related to the amount and drinking habits of alcohol.
In this survey, as a result of investigating “what kind of alcohol and how much alcohol you drink in a day”, “how many times a week you drink” and “how many years you have been drinking alcohol”, the higher the alcohol intake, atrophy was seen in the brain, and it was found that the prefrontal cortex was significantly affected.
There is also data that nearly 10% of people who drink three or more bottles of 633 ml of beer every day have brain atrophy compared to those who drink about one bottle of 350 ml of beer once every other week. The results of these studies suggest that the more alcohol you drink, the higher your risk for brain atrophy.
It is said that if the amount of alcohol is appropriate, it has a relaxing effect and does not harm your health, but it is difficult for some people to judge the appropriate amount. It’s a painful story for alcohol lovers, but for those who drink a lot every day, it is important to only moderately drink to maintain a healthy brain.