How to train a brain that declines with age?

You can train your prefrontal cortex by continuing to read aloud, calculate and copy things like calligraphy. If you understand how the brain works, such as what part of the brain works when you are doing what, you will be able to train the parts you need.
For example, hearing is mainly performed by the temporal lobe and if you learn to train the temporal lobe, you can improve the ability to discriminate sounds. If you continue to learn playing the violin or piano, and have a habit of listening to music, you can acquire the skill to listen to changes in relative pitch depending on the training.
In addition, the parietal lobe is responsible for the spatial cognitive ability to read maps and judge the perspective of an object’s distance. Spatial cognitive ability is said to be useful for the ability to detect danger when driving, which is important for individuals in their 40s and 50s who drive on a daily basis.
Computer games are one that makes the parietal lobe work actively. There are even research that shows that individuals who play games are more attentive to spatial information than others. However, playing games to train spatial cognitive ability is not recommended as it will rest the work of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. It seems to be good to solve figure problems such as distinguishing whether figures and characters are the same when rotated.