The functions of the prefrontal cortex is very important for human beings to be “human”, and one of them is the ability to suppress impulsive feelings such as anger and irritation.
The reason why a small child cries or whines when things do not go his or her way is because the prefrontal cortex has not yet developed. It is also not just children who can’t control their emotions. Adults can become angry or unable to suppress their emotions if their brain functions deteriorate with age such as the ability to restraint just like memory and age.
People with severe dementia may rant or use violence against their families, and this may appear as anxiety, but in fact is uncontrollable emotions due to severely reduced comprehension and violent behavior.
Even if you are not an elderly individual, if you notice that you get frustrated or get angry with even just little things, it is important to take it as a sign of an aging brain and to start training your ability to self-control with brain training as soon as possible.