Grown-ups may feel challenged when trying to acquire a new qualification or learn a new language, and they may not achieve their desired results due to their brains feeling degraded from routine work. However, we know that learning can improve the brain even at any age.
For example, repetitive memorization techniques can strengthen neural circuits such as when you learn a new language, “new” neural circuits are created.
Even in the case of adults (as with children), by continuing to learn, the brain’s nerve fibers grow and branches out, making it easier to transmit information by forming more neural circuits.
So, it is a waste to give up studying at any age, and if possible, pencils and notebooks to read and write instead of a computer or tablet is recommended as the brain works better if you choose a more cumbersome method.
Learning new things can flourish your brain even for adults, and that is why we should continue to study even if we are grownups.