Intellectual activities are important!

As social distancing, telework and self-restraint from going out continues, brain function may decline due to the lack of exercise and communication.
When working from home, PCs, tablets, smartphones and so forth are often used from morning to night, increasing routine and monotonous work. Although many individuals may think that they are using their prefrontal cortex because they are working, the prefrontal cortex is actually in a state where it is not being worked as much due to repeated tasks such as replying to emails that can be done without much thought. For those in their 40’s and 50’s, continuing such a life can lead to a decline in brain function.
In the prefrontal cortex, work that requires proactive thinking over monotonous (passive work) is better to maintain the function of the brain, for example, reading a business book to collect information, creating a new plan for the future, having a team meeting to go over strategy and so forth can condition the brain firmly.
Also, if you have time, it is recommended that you acquire a qualification, study a language or start a hobby that you have never experienced before as it stimulates the prefrontal cortex. There are online English conversations where you can communicate as well as online lessons, so why not give something new a try?